Nutrition and age: how to choose a menu?

Women go through several periods in life during which it is especially important to watch their diet to avoid weight gain and maintain health and attractiveness. What foods and what nutritional principles should you follow at different ages to stay fit and feel good?

The period from 20 to 30 years is the safest from a nutritional point of view. The body is preparing for childbirth and is able to quickly respond to weight changes, so there is no need to be afraid of gaining pounds. During this period, you can eat as much as you want and anything; diets can even harm your health. The main thing is to monitor moderation in food and not overindulge in fatty and sweet foods. Physical activity will help you stay fit and healthy.

At the age of 30 to 35 years, it already makes sense to reduce the calorie content of the diet and switch to lighter foods. From 35 to 40 years of age, you may become more prone to weight gain due to changes in hormonal levels, so it is advisable to limit your intake of red meat and fatty foods, replacing them with fish and white meat. Reducing your consumption of sweets, especially sugar and baked goods, will also be useful.

After 40 years, the main part of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health and youth. Oranges are very useful because they help the skin stay young longer. In addition, the diet must include fermented milk products. The main rule is not to overeat, monitor the amount of calories you consume and try to maintain physical activity.

By following simple principles of healthy eating and taking into account the characteristics of age, you can maintain health and shape for many years, remaining attractive and energetic. The main thing is to love your body and take care of it, giving it what it needs at every moment of life.