Hollywood trend: meat-free month

Celebrities have introduced fashion to a new detox method - giving up meat for a month.

One of the first to talk about the new diet was singer Beyonce. The 32-year-old star admitted that she is getting into shape by sticking to a temporary vegan diet. The essence of her diet is giving up meat for a month.

Diet to cleanse the body

This new method of cleansing the body was called Veganuary from the words vegetarian (vegetarian) and january (January). The diet became “January” because it coincided with the “post-holiday aftertaste” in the form of heaviness in the stomach and a couple of extra pounds as a result of heavy feasts.

The essence of Veganuary is giving up animal products (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs) for a month. Nutritionists and doctors, of course, argue about the benefits of such a detox, but the new method is gaining popularity. In just 2 months, the number of members of the Veganuary Facebook group increased to 5,700 people. Apparently, the idea of ​​combining healthy eating for weight loss with ethical considerations in favor of animals appealed to many.

The Veganuary detox method was founded by Matthew Glover and Jane Land, who are vegans themselves. They understood that for meat eaters, giving up meat right away is too drastic. Ethical considerations, according to Glover and Land, are not yet relevant enough to convince meat eaters. Accordingly, Matthew and Jane developed this system of temporary veganism. Interestingly, Veganuary actually worked in favor of the founders: many members of the Veganuary community said that they were ready to give up meat forever.