Plate of beauty and health

Plate of beauty and health: how proper nutrition can help you look younger and more attractive

Each of us dreams of looking young and attractive. We spend a lot of time and money on beauty treatments, but we forget that proper nutrition can bring much more benefits to our skin, hair and nails than the most expensive creams and lotions. In this article we will look at which products will help us look younger and more attractive.

Almonds for young skin

Almond is a real beauty salon in one small nut! It contains a lot of vitamin E, which is an essential component of anti-wrinkle creams. It contains a lot of fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the skin, and the antioxidant selenium. However, do not forget that nuts are very high in calories, so a handful a day will be enough.

Proteins for healthy nails

If you want your nails to be strong and shiny, eat plenty of protein. Chicken breasts, turkey, tuna and beans are delicious sources of protein.

Vitamin B for shiny hair

Foods rich in vitamin B are a great way to transform dull hair into shiny hair. Eggs, milk, green vegetables and poultry contain large amounts of vitamin B. Silicon is important for hair to be elastic, healthy and shiny. Sources of this mineral include raw oatmeal, cucumber skins, onions and green beans.

Fish to combat dry skin

If your skin is dry and flaky, try cooking fish for lunch. Fish containing a lot of fat, such as trout or salmon, are especially beneficial for the skin, with a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which perfectly moisturize and care for the skin.

Zinc and calcium to fight acne and acne

If you're tired of rubbing your skin with lotions that still don't do any good, add more zinc and calcium to your diet. Swedish scientists found that patients whose diet included plenty of foods containing zinc got rid of 85% of their acne within three months. There is a lot of zinc in seafood, oysters, turkey, eggs and milk. To clear your skin, consume more milk, low-fat cheese and yogurt. Calcium, in turn, helps fight inflammation on the skin. It can be obtained from dairy products, leafy vegetables, and mineral water.

Fruits and vegetables for a healthy complexion

To keep your face looking healthy and fresh, eat more fruits and vegetables. They contain many vitamins and antioxidants that help fight free radicals, the cause of premature skin aging. Berries, citrus fruits, green vegetables, red peppers and pumpkin are especially beneficial for the skin.

Water to moisturize skin

Finally, remember to drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and fresh. Our cells need water to function properly, including our skin cells. Drink at least two liters a day and you will notice how your skin becomes firmer and more radiant.

In conclusion, proper nutrition is not only about health, but also about beauty. Most of the foods we eat can not only provide our body with essential nutrients, but also help us look younger and more attractive.