Fitness menu for losing weight

Losing weight through fitness is a great way to achieve the results you want. However, to avoid exhaustion of the body, it is necessary to eat properly. In this article we will look at a fitness menu for losing weight that will help you not only lose weight, but also stay healthy and energetic.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kickstarts your metabolism and provides you with energy throughout the day. The best choice for breakfast is oatmeal with milk. You can add raisins, nuts, dark chocolate or other foods you like. If you don’t like oatmeal, you can have cottage cheese with honey or jam for breakfast. During the break before lunch, you can snack on fruit and freshly squeezed juice.


Lunch should be nutritious and high in calories to provide you with enough energy to get through the day. A good choice for lunch is boiled meat, turkey or chicken breast. It is best to use brown rice or buckwheat as a side dish, as they contain a lot of plant fiber and complex carbohydrates, which give strength to the body.

Afternoon snack

The afternoon snack is another important meal of the day. For an afternoon snack, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and green tea. You can eat any fruit and in any quantity, but don’t get carried away with bananas and grapes, as they contain too much sugar.


Dinner should be light and protein-rich. The best choice is protein food with a side dish of vegetables. The greatest amount of protein is found in meat, fish and legumes. Remember that the rule of not eating after six in the evening is the golden rule. After fitness, it is useful to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night.


Losing weight through fitness is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. But remember that proper nutrition is the key to success. Follow our fitness menu for losing weight and you will see great results. Good luck on your journey to a healthy and slim body!