Fifteen steps to the treasured miniskirt

Spring 2007 will be famous for its mini-fashion a la the 80s. By following our tips, you will soon be able to afford the most breathtaking miniskirt. Soon the long-awaited sun will finally come out and we will want to sing, dance, fall in love and fly. The only people who can argue with this are those who are naturally hindered by extra pounds from flying. For some of us, after winter, not only flying, it can be difficult to even get off the ground. What to do now?! Take a deep breath, calm down and count to at least 15.

  1. Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat during the week. This will help you track excess calories.

  2. Analyze your eating habits and try to change those that harm your figure.

  3. Don't feel sorry for yourself! Instead, motivate yourself by achieving your goal.

  4. Learn the basics of proper nutrition. This will help you control calories and choose healthy foods.

  5. Make a specific action plan with a daily routine and a list of permitted products.

  6. Count your calories and make sure they do not exceed the permissible limit.

  7. Reward yourself for every small victory in achieving your goal.

  8. Move more. This will speed up the burning of excess calories.

  9. Measure your weight and volume regularly to track your progress.

  10. Eat more slowly, giving your brain time to realize that you are full.

  11. Reduce portion and plate sizes.

  12. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. This will satisfy your hunger and remove toxins.

  13. Don't take on everything at once. Introduce changes gradually, reinforcing new habits.

  14. Every day imagine your new slim life. It motivates.

  15. Love yourself and believe in success! With a positive attitude you will definitely achieve your goal!