Easter 2015: which Ukrainian stars are fasting

Almost 40% of Ukrainians observe Easter fasting 2015 to varying degrees, and domestic stars also do not forget about cleansing the body and soul during Lent. Some of them strictly adhere to the canons, others give themselves some slack due to their busy schedule. Tina Karol, Olga Sumskaya, Olga Freimut and others walked with us on this difficult journey to the Easter holiday.

Tina Karol, known for her religiosity, is the only artist in Ukraine who holds the Church Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, first degree. During Lent, the singer eats mainly steamed vegetables and consecrates holiday cakes exclusively in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Olga Sumskaya, actress and TV presenter, also adheres to fasting. Her diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits and high-quality white foods. She is sure that fasting helps her not only spiritually, but also physically feel better.

Olga Freimut, TV presenter and model, does not fast strictly, but tries to monitor her diet during Lent. She avoids meat and sweets, but allows herself to eat fish and eggs.

In addition, many stars recommend not to overeat or break your diet after the end of Easter Lent. Thus, singer Ani Lorak advises to control the amount of food consumed, and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak urges not to forget about exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to understand that fasting is not only a cleansing of the body, but also spiritual self-awareness. Therefore, everyone chooses their own path to Easter, and the main thing is to follow it faithfully and consciously.