The best diet for poisoning

The main component of treatment for poisoning is a diet, the principle of which is to minimize the intake of fats and complex carbohydrates into the body. As your condition improves, the amount of these nutrients can be increased by 70-80 grams per day.

During the recovery period after poisoning, it is important to limit salt intake, exclude from the diet black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods that enhance the processes of fermentation and decay. Try to eat chopped and thermally processed foods. It is better to steam or boil food. Loose porridges are contraindicated, but any mucous membranes will help the stomach recover. The temperature of hot dishes should not exceed 57-62 degrees, and cold dishes should not be lower than 15 degrees. It is advisable to eat according to a schedule and quite often, 5-6 times a day. The energy value of the diet is maintained at 2000 kcal per day.

At first, when you don’t feel like eating at all, drink dried fruit compote (with the obligatory addition of dried apricots and prunes). It contains a lot of sodium, magnesium and potassium - substances that are washed out of the body during poisoning. Compote is drunk throughout the day, half a glass every half hour. As soon as minimal signs of appetite appear, you can eat a few white crackers. Then add oatmeal porridge to your diet (in our case, it will have to be boiled beyond recognition for 2 hours). Eat oatmeal every 2.5 hours, at least a few tablespoons. On the third day, you can try steamed poultry meatballs, on the fourth, cook soup using vegetable or cereal broth.

It is recommended to avoid fresh vegetables and fruits for at least a week. Bananas may be an exception, although you should not overuse them and eat more than one fruit per day. Pies, buns and muffins can be eaten only 3 weeks after recovery, fatty meats, marinades and spices - only after a month.