What foods are harmful to eat during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits. Buckwheat, oatmeal, egg yolk - all this will help avoid iron deficiency and anemia. It’s just a pity that you often want completely different food. What, for the sake of the safety of the unborn baby, should you deny yourself?

The most dangerous are very spicy and very hot foods. It is better to avoid fried and fatty foods, sausages and meat products. You can eat no more than 30 grams of lard per day and under no circumstances indulge in bacon, sausages and smoked meats.

Minimize the consumption of chocolate, mint, baked goods and fresh bread. At the same time, you shouldn’t completely give up flour. Eat slightly stale wheat bread. You should also be careful with some vegetables. For example, cabbage contains a large amount of coarse fiber, which can lead to digestive problems.

Hard-boiled eggs, sour varieties of fruits and berries, ice cream, soda, marinades and spices can also cause trouble, including heartburn that plagues most pregnant women.

If swelling occurs, limit your intake of salt and sugar. If the limbs swell greatly and there is a threat of developing gestosis, it is useful to have a milk day. The diet for such a day may include 400 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of sour cream with a spoonful of honey or sugar. You can drink up to a liter of milk, dividing it into 5-6 servings. Eat vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. Just make sure that they are combined with the dairy component of your diet.

As for drinks, eliminate alcohol completely. It is better not to overuse tea, and it is advisable to give up coffee. True, if you have low blood pressure, drinking coffee is allowed; make the drink not as concentrated as usual and drink it much less often, only when you really want it.