4 fashionable diet ideas

Today, more and more people are becoming conscious consumers and deciding to watch their diet. However, the world of healthy eating does not stand still, and new trends and ideas appear every day. In this article, we'll look at four trending diet ideas and how they can help us become healthier.

  1. Sprouted grains

Sprouted grains are grains that begin to grow when they are exposed to moisture. Sprouting increases enzyme activity, which means it increases the amount of vitamins and minerals. Radishes, wheat, spelt, barley, soybeans, rice... They can be eaten separately and in complex dishes, juices and sandwiches. You can buy it at the market and in the store or grow it on the windowsill. Sprouted grains contain vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. They help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and increase energy levels in the body.

  1. Exotic seasonings

Exotic seasonings are not only a great way to add new flavor to dishes, but also a health concern. Ginger, curry, cumin, cinnamon and pepper add great flavor to even mediocre dishes. In addition, they have a strong antiseptic effect and strengthen the immune system. Only if you want to preserve all the properties of spices, they should be stored dry and dark. Ginger goes well with fried shrimp, curry with rice, and anise, which helps quickly digest food, goes well with exotic dishes: Indian, Chinese.

  1. Milkshakes

Milkshakes are a great way to get calcium and other important vitamins and minerals. Thick, fruit-filled milk drinks contain lots of vitamins and calcium. However, try to choose low-percentage milk and yoghurts, and do not add sugar. In addition, you can replace cow's milk with sheep, goat or soy milk. The fiber found in fruits and berries helps you feel full without constantly snacking. An example of such a drink would be a mixture of equal parts fruit, fruit juice, yogurt and three ice cubes.

  1. Raw foods

Raw food is food that has not been cooked. Such products contain more microelements and vitamins than boiled ones. In addition, you chew raw foods longer, and therefore eat more slowly and less. However, you need to be attentive to the quality of the food. Fish and meat must be very fresh and clean. It is very useful to eat one fruit and one vegetable every day and treat yourself to uncooked meat or fish once a week.

So we looked at four trendy diet ideas that can help us become healthier: sprouted grains, exotic seasonings, milkshakes and raw foods. Each of these ideas will help us get important vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and increase energy levels in the body. However, it is always necessary to be attentive to the quality of food and monitor your health.