What are the benefits of tangerines: properties of winter fruits

The smell of these fruits, even in summer, makes us plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year, feel the aroma of pine needles and see frosty patterns on the windows. It's time to find out why they are useful. If you, like us, adore tangerines, read our material!

Tangerines are rightly called the main winter “drug”; we buy kilograms and gorge ourselves on these sweet fruits, often without even knowing how they affect our body. The pulp of ripe tangerine fruits contains organic acids (citric and others), vitamin C (40-50 mg), which remains in the fruit for a very long time, and vitamin B1, pectin, fiber, and mineral salts. The vitamin and elemental composition of tangerines makes them a super useful product for beauty and health.

Health Benefits:

  1. Due to the substance synephrine, tangerines help in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma;

  2. They are a means of prevention and treatment of helminths;

  3. Lower blood pressure, restore strength and improve metabolic processes;

  4. They have anti-sclerotic properties;

  5. Thanks to the content of essential oils, they lift your spirits;

  6. They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

For weight loss:

  1. Tangerines are a low-calorie product, one fruit contains only 33 calories, so they are quickly absorbed by the body without harming the figure;

  2. Tangerines contain a large amount of dietary fiber, due to which they saturate the body and allow you not to feel hungry for a long time;

  3. They normalize metabolism and accelerate the process of weight loss.

Tangerines for beauty:

  1. Helps treat skin and nail fungus;

  2. Cleanse sebaceous skin from oily sheen and tighten pores;

  3. Relieves inflammation;

  4. Strengthens hair and nails.

Recipes for tangerine masks:

  1. To cleanse the skin: grind the tangerine into a pulp, mix with 1 egg white and 1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, apply the mask to the face and rinse after 20 minutes;

  2. To moisturize the skin: mix half a tbsp. tablespoons of tangerine zest with 2 tablespoons of nourishing cream, apply to the face and rinse after 10 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines are: gastric ulcer, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, nephritis, cholecystitis, any form of hepatitis and allergy to citrus fruits.