Diet for the waist

With a wide choice of diets, which in addition to losing extra pounds of weight are often aimed at losing weight in any part of the body (buttocks, hips, chest), there is also a diet for the waist. The waist is a very important part of a woman’s body, because it is thanks to its noticeable presence that the figure of the fair sex can be considered slim.

There is no specific diet for losing weight, since the process of losing weight always affects the entire body. However, if you combine a diet with physical exercises aimed at the muscles of the torso, you can achieve the desired effect. Below are options for diets for the waist, which should be followed for a week.

Diet menu for a thin waist 1:

Breakfast (1 option)

  1. 1/2 melon + 100 gr. cheese
  2. 1 apple + 25 gr. unsweetened cereal

Lunch (1 option)

  1. 1/2 melon + fish (150 gr., preferably grilled) + cabbage + broccoli
  2. vegetable salad (low-calorie vegetables) + chicken without skin (50 gr.) + 40 gr. cheese (low calorie) + 2 slices of bread (whole flour)


  1. steak (up to 125 gr., preferably grilled) + peas (50 gr.) + baked tomatoes
  2. any cold meat (75 gr.) + mixed salad
  3. pork chop (up to 130 gr., preferably grilled) + mixed salad

Diet menu for a thin waist 2:

Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 glass of kefir + cup of tea
Lunch - boiled beef (100 gr.) + salad with lemon juice
Afternoon snack - a cup of tea
Dinner - salad with boiled meat (50 gr.) + some cheese

When dieting for the waist, sugar, chocolate and alcohol are strictly excluded from the diet.