Are you sure you bought safe products?

There is currently a very active debate about genetically modified foods. Are they harmful to our health or safe?

According to studies conducted in Russia and Ukraine, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are found in approximately half of all food products in stores. This could be soybeans, corn, potatoes, vegetables and even baby food.

Scientists warn that GMOs can cause allergies, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity and even lead to cancer. There are also concerns about possible mutagenic effects and congenital pathologies in children.

However, manufacturers of food products containing GMOs claim that they are completely safe. Some even deny the presence of genetically modified components in their products.

At the same time, most developed countries of the world have adopted strict rules on labeling and regulating the circulation of GMOs. And in some countries, for example, in the European Union, genetically modified products are partially or completely prohibited.

Thus, when buying products in Ukrainian and Russian stores, consumers often cannot be sure of their safety and GMO content. It is necessary to introduce clear legislation and rules for labeling such products so that people have the opportunity to make informed choices in favor of their health.