Why are champagne bubbles dangerous?

This fizzy and tasty alcoholic drink accompanies all holidays - from Birthdays to New Year. Thanks to him, a festive atmosphere is created, a cheerful mood is created and a taste for life is created. By the way, champagne goes well with almost all dishes, so enjoy!

Pay attention to the cooling temperature of this drink. Typically, it is served in a bucket of ice. Place ice on the bottom of the vessel, place champagne in the middle, cover it with ice to the top and fill it with cold water almost to the brim. If you don't want to add water, that's your right, just keep in mind that the drink won't cool down in this case. Do not put the bottle in the freezer, because once it freezes it will become completely tasteless.

According to experts, champagne has the same benefits as red wine. It contains antioxidants that neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals. The former inhibit the process of removing nitric oxide from the blood, thus reducing blood pressure and preventing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Therefore, drink several glasses of champagne a day, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Harm

This drink is also called sparkling wine. Therefore, after drinking a couple of glasses of champagne, you can get pretty drunk. Moreover, due to the carbon dioxide content in it, the intoxicating effect will be pronounced. The bubbles help alcohol to be absorbed into the blood. That's why the drink gets to your head quite quickly.

The person immediately noticeably begins to cheer up, chat and dance. But this is only after 1-3 glasses, then it gets worse. Therefore, do not underestimate champagne, drink in moderation.

Those who like “stale” champagne get drunk much slower than those who follow the rules and enjoy the drink immediately after the foam has settled in the glass. But it is in this foam that the meaning of the popularity of this drink is hidden, when the bubbles play and cause a severe headache in the morning.

Champagne weakens and irritates the digestive tract. Therefore, never drink it on an empty stomach. It goes well with fruits, chocolate, and nuts.

As an alcoholic drink, champagne is an enemy to your figure and skin condition. Sweet and semi-sweet types of this drink are very high in calories. Semi-dry and brut do not hit the figure as much, but, nevertheless, they are harmful.