Vegetarian cuisine is not only for gourmets

Not everyone knows that vegetarian cuisine combines both traditionally vegetarian dishes from different cuisines of the world, as well as their adapted versions. It is characterized, first of all, by the absence of slaughter food. And at the same time it can be very tasty and edible!

Like vegetarianism, vegetarian cuisine has several varieties and, in general, is characterized by the absence of slaughter food (meat, fish, poultry, seafood of animal origin and all products made from them). Depending on the type of vegetarianism, some products may or may not be present in vegetarian cuisine: dairy products, eggs, honey.

Products in the diet
Many vegetarians, refusing slaughter food, expand their diet to include relatively rare or less common foods. This is partly why vegetarian cuisine is rich in relative diversity of plant foods.

Products suitable for all vegetarians: cereals and products made from them, legumes and products from them (in particular soybeans and soy products), vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, mushrooms, seasonings, etc.

A new word in vegetarianism
Vegetarian cuisine contains some special products that are unfamiliar to a wide range of people. These are, in particular, protein-rich soy and wheat products: tofu, soy milk, soy meat, seitan, tempeh, etc.; as well as products common in individual countries: amaranth, quinoa, avocado, miso, seaweed and others.

Almost all drinks are vegetarian, with the exception of some alcoholic drinks, which use animal products in their purification.

Critical points of a vegetarian diet
A vegetarian diet may be deficient in certain nutritional components, such as proteins, iron, calcium and others. However, these components are found in many plant foods, especially legumes, cereals, and nuts. A well-planned vegetarian diet can fully meet the body's needs.

Thus, vegetarian cuisine offers a large selection of tasty and healthy dishes. It is suitable not only for gourmet gourmets, but also for everyone who cares about their health and wants to diversify their diet.