Chocolate causes depression

Scientists from the University of California do not deny the short-term improvement in mood from chocolate. However, it is not recommended to perceive this particular effect as a benefit to the body. The effect of chocolate is similar to the effect of alcohol, researchers say.

It has been statistically proven that chocolate lovers are more likely to suffer from depressive disorders. The author of the study, Natalie Ross, claims that a chocolate bar can improve your tone and lift your mood, but in the long term, consuming this delicious delicacy develops into an addiction. To eat away the melancholy, the subject begins to reach for a bar of chocolate more and more often, but this does not make him any more cheerful.

At the same time, British scientists studied another “soft drug” that causes a lot of misunderstandings, namely coffee. And they concluded that coffee increases the strength of aging muscles, which may protect older people from falls and fractures. Lead author of the study Jason Tallis from Coventry University noted in his report that caffeine most actively enhances the work of the diaphragm and leg extensor muscles. A study conducted on mice showed that for young people this effect is minimal and increases with age, which led to the conclusion that caffeine has a negligible effect on the work of just developing muscles.