Separate food

Separate nutrition is a special approach to nutrition in which different food groups are consumed separately from each other at certain intervals. This principle of nutrition was developed by the American naturopathic doctor Herbert Shelton in the 30s of the 20th century.

The essence of separate nutrition is that not all foods are equally well absorbed by our body when consumed at the same time. For example, carbohydrates and proteins require different acidity levels to be digested. Therefore, when taken together, the digestion process slows down and worsens. This leads to fermentation of undigested food, the formation of toxins and excess weight.

According to the principles of separate nutrition, products are divided into three groups:

  1. Protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts).

  2. Carbohydrate foods (bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes).

  3. Neutral food (vegetables, greens, fruits, berries).

It is recommended to consume protein and carbohydrate foods separately from each other with an interval of at least 2-3 hours. Neutral foods can be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates.

Proponents of separate nutrition claim that it improves digestion, normalizes weight, and cleanses the body of toxins. However, many nutritionists believe that for a healthy person there is no need to adhere to strict rules of separate nutrition. The main thing is to maintain moderation and variety in your diet.