Orest Firmanyuk: the healthiest juices for healthy skin

It is no secret that natural juices have a beneficial effect on the human body, but today we will try to find out which of them are most beneficial for our skin. Pharmacist and nutritionist Firmanyuk Orest Igorevich agreed to share his knowledge with us.

  1. Pomegranate juice. Contains anthocyanins - substances that neutralize free radicals, thereby preventing skin aging and protecting it from wrinkles. This juice also helps avoid dry skin, notes Orest Firmanyuk.

Pomegranate juice contains a very low amount of calories, so girls don’t have to worry about their waistlines. At the same time, the juice is very rich in vitamin C, which increases the production of collagen - a substance that makes the skin look tight and elastic.

  1. Carrot juice. Vitamin A, which it contains, has a beneficial effect not only on vision, but also helps fight sebum and dead skin cells, and prevents clogging of pores. So, taking into account the positive effect on the eyes, it is worth drinking carrot juice as often as possible, says Orest Firmanyuk. However, do not forget that in order to absorb vitamin A, you need to add a little olive oil to carrot juice or consume it with some fats.

  2. Kiwi juice. Very rich in vitamin C - one kiwi contains almost the daily requirement for an adult. The juice from this fruit increases collagen production and also strengthens capillaries and helps in the restoration of skin cells.

  3. Grape juice. Contains in large quantities one of the most effective antioxidants - proanthocyanidins. These substances prevent the destruction of elastin and collagen. A glass of grape juice a day will keep your skin hydrated, elastic and toned, says Orest Firmanyuk.

  4. Tomato juice. Rich in an antioxidant called lycopene, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Tomato juice, like carrot juice, is better absorbed with fats, so you can add a drop of olive oil to a glass or drink the juice with fatty foods.

And, although freshly squeezed juices are the healthiest, it is not always possible to consume them. This is where store-bought juices come to the rescue. When purchasing them, it is important to always pay attention to the release date - the product can lie at customs for a long time, and until customs allows the import of the product, the juice has almost reached its expiration date and the content of useful substances in it is minimal, says Orest Igorevich Firmanyuk.