Non-traditional health juices

Juices are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your health. In our article we will talk about non-traditional health juices that can help in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Potato juice

Potato juice is one of the most unusual but effective juices for treating the gastrointestinal tract. It can help cope with gastritis, acidity, peptic ulcers, and also relieve persistent headaches. To prepare potato juice, you need to wash and dry red potatoes, rub them on a fine grater along with the peel, and then squeeze them together with the starch. Of course, you can simply put the tuber through a juicer. But remember that you won’t be able to squeeze out the juice for future use. Take it only freshly prepared 3 times a day: on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before lunch and before bed.

Herbal juices

Herbal juices can also have many health benefits. The main condition for their use is to drink immediately after preparation. Hawthorn juice regulates cardiac activity, improves oxygen supply to the heart and lowers blood pressure. It is squeezed from flowers, leaves and berries, and drunk a quarter glass 3 times a day, with a tablespoon of honey. Strawberry juice (leaves with the addition of berries and flowers are used for preparation) increases the body's resistance to infections. Take it 2-3 tablespoons with 1 tablespoon of honey after meals. Preferably with tea. Viburnum juice is also used as a general tonic. In addition, it calms the central nervous system. For anemia, clover juice is used to cleanse the liver and kidneys, and also as a diuretic. Nettle juice increases blood clotting and increases the amount of hemoglobin. It is also useful for metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis and anemia. Drink a tablespoon before meals.

Non-traditional health juices are not only an opportunity to avoid taking chemicals, but also an opportunity to enjoy a pleasant taste and improve your health. Try these unconventional juices and they may become an integral part of your diet.