Diet for the belly: how to eat right to have a sexy tummy

A flat stomach is the dream of many girls, because it is beautiful, impressive and sexy. How to eat so that a flat stomach becomes a reality, and not just hovering in your thoughts, the editors of looked into it.

Only a combination of exercise and diet will help you achieve a flat stomach. It will not be possible to achieve this goal using only one tool.

A diet for a flat stomach should be high in protein. Protein is your best friend on the path to a flat stomach. Firstly, protein gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, secondly, it is the basis for building muscles, and thirdly, losing weight on protein diets gives long-lasting results. At the same time, fats are not formed due to the scarcity of carbohydrates, which provoke fat deposits.

The diet should be based on proteins - lean meat, eggs and cottage cheese. Carbohydrates only in the morning in the form of porridge. You can also eat vegetables and fruits. Divide your meals into 5: 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Portion - no more than 200 g. Don't forget to drink enough water.

Sample menu for 3 days:

Day 1. Breakfast: oatmeal with nuts, yogurt. Second breakfast: fruit. Lunch: chicken soup (without potatoes, made from chicken fillet). Afternoon snack: cottage cheese. Dinner: fish with vegetables.

Day 2. Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, yogurt. Lunch: baked beef and coleslaw. Afternoon snack: fruit. Dinner: boiled shrimp.

Day 3. Breakfast: black bread toast with chicken and cheese. Second breakfast: cottage cheese. Lunch: Grilled chicken and tomato salad. Afternoon snack: fruit. Dinner: fish with vegetables.

The duration of the diet is 15 days. Then just increase the portions, adhering to the nutritional rules. Do not introduce this diet if you have kidney problems.