How Natalya Podolskaya lost weight after giving birth

Natalya Podolskaya, who recently became a mother, managed to lose 11 kilograms, which she gained during pregnancy, in three months. How did she do it and what can be done to get back in shape after giving birth? In this article we will look at Natalia Podolskaya’s weight loss secrets and doctors’ recommendations.

The first and very important factor that helped Natalya regain her “pre-pregnancy” weight was that she did not allow herself to gain much weight during pregnancy. Over the entire 9 months, she gained only 11.5 kilograms, which is the norm. During pregnancy, doctors advise adhering to the principles of proper nutrition and limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods. The weight that the child gains, as well as the weight of the enlarged uterus, baby's place and water, as well as the increased amount of blood in the expectant mother's body, will go away immediately, and the rest, most often, remains on the young mother's hips.

Natalya Podolskaya monitored her diet very strictly, allowing herself only healthy foods and strictly limiting herself to sweets and fatty foods. Of course, fast food was also banned. She also continued to exercise during her pregnancy, which helped her stay in shape.

However, the main secret of Natalia Podolskaya’s rapid weight loss after childbirth was breastfeeding. She breastfeeds her son and this forces her to adhere to a very strict diet, which does not contain harmful foods. Therefore, Natalia’s body very quickly returned to its previous shape without any additional work.

Recently, doctors have been saying that the condition of a young mother’s figure also directly depends on her psychological state. The less stress and physical fatigue a nursing mother experiences, the faster her figure returns to normal. Therefore, it is important to organize the correct daily routine and get enough help from loved ones.

In conclusion, to get back in shape after giving birth, you need to eat right, exercise (if your doctor allows it) and, if possible, breastfeed your baby. It is also important not to experience excessive stress and fatigue, but to pay sufficient attention to your psychological state. All this will help you lose excess weight and get back into shape, as Natalya Podolskaya did.