Hungry of my own accord...

Hungry by choice...

Malnutrition in our minds is usually associated with suffering. But this did not prevent the emergence of naturapaths or naturalists - followers of Paul Bragg's nutritional system. His book “The Miracle of Fasting” became a real bestseller in its time. Bragg said that the human body is designed to live for 120 years and that poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are killing us.

Here are the 8 main ideas of the fasting theory:

  1. Heat treatment of products reduces the content of vitamins and microelements in them.

  2. 60% of the diet should be raw fruits and vegetables. Starvation often occurs not as a result of complete exhaustion, but due to poisoning of the body with decay products. Prolonged fasting should be accompanied by cleansing procedures and walks.

  3. Food must be earned. What we call hunger is actually gastritis neurosis. We eat not because we are hungry, but because we have to. You should start your morning with some fruit. Then - physical activity. After it - a salad of fresh vegetables.

  4. Bragg was a fan of vegetarianism. But he didn’t insist on it. He only suggested reducing meat consumption to 3-4 times a week. The number of eggs eaten in seven days should not exceed three.

  5. Salt should be excluded from the diet. Because it is not completely eliminated from the body, being deposited in joints and on the walls of blood vessels.

  6. It is advisable to completely avoid sausages, fried and fatty foods, pasteurized milk, sour cream, cheese, and butter.

  7. Once a week you should do a 24-hour fast. During this period, you are only allowed to drink water. Once in a glass of water you can add one teaspoon of honey or a teaspoon of lemon juice. After fasting, a salad of fresh carrots or cabbage is recommended. A little later - a portion of stewed tomatoes.

  8. The healthiest foods are those that cause alkaline reactions in the body: vegetables, fruits, nuts. The most harmful are those that cause acidic reactions: meat, dairy products, animal fats.

The following article provides a sample naturopathic menu for three days, a description of foods that naturopaths avoid, as well as interesting facts about the benefits of various foods.

In conclusion, an appeal is made to readers to join in proper and healthy nutrition.