Features of colorful food

Losing weight is not a very fun process! For this, nutritionists, psychologists and astrologers have developed a unique colored diet that can easily relieve depression and extra pounds. The colored diet is a great way to lose 3 kg in a week, and at the same time cleanse and heal your body, without limiting or torturing yourself.

The essence of the color diet is to eat only one specific color of food every day. Astrologers say that each day of the week corresponds to a planet - its owner. Monday is a lunar day, Tuesday is the kingdom of Mars, Wednesday is the day of Mercury, Thursday belongs to Venus, Friday belongs to Jupiter, Saturday belongs to Saturn, and Sunday is the domain of the Sun. Each one corresponds to a different day of the week - white, red, yellow, green, purple, black and orange.

The main thing in the diet is not to overdo it with this very food: according to the recommendations of nutritionists, every day of color should be no more than 1200-1400 kcal. You need your program to have 6 days of different colors and one fasting day, and the calorie distribution to be something like this:

  1. Breakfast - 25%
  2. Lunch until 13.00 - 35%
  3. Afternoon tea until 17.00 - 15%
  4. Dinner 3 hours before bedtime – 25%

White Monday
On the day of the Moon, choose rice, bananas, cauliflower and white cabbage, onions, white beans, radishes, champignons, coconut pulp. You can also add milk, cheese, egg white, boiled poultry, fish and squid. Give up snow-white ice cream, cream and sugar, otherwise the feast in honor of the Moon will turn into a “boot” rather than a dietary one.

White color promotes the active production of insulin in the body, increases blood sugar and allows you to quickly restore performance.

Red Tuesday
Red meat and red wine take pride of place on the Mars day food list. Do not forget that red wine is useful only in small quantities, otherwise the next morning Bacchus will take away all his merits from Mars, leaving him with a headache in return.

Red foods supply the body with flavonoids - much stronger antioxidants than vitamin C. And tomatoes and watermelons contain beneficial lycopene, which reduces the risk of cancer among smokers by 27%. Red increases blood circulation, increases muscle tone, fills you with energy, which means Tuesday is ideal for hiking and going to the gym.

Yellow Wednesday
Praise Mercury for its color - the choice of medium is rich and varied. Pineapples, peaches, sweet yellow peppers, zucchini, yellow apples, millet, cherry plum, corn, honey, beer, egg yolk, grapefruits, melon, mature cheeses and yellow juices - there is sure to be a tasty and healthy companion for the taste and color. Yellow foods strengthen the nervous system. They contain vitamins A and B. They also activate digestion and liver function, and prevent intestinal problems.

Green Thursday
Lettuce, a variety of herbs, green onions, rhubarb, cucumbers, green peas, seaweed, broccoli and kohlrabi, celery stalks, kiwi, green apples and grapes, lime and green tea will help you survive Venusian Thursday in comfort. Green foods boast a high content of chlorophyll and magnesium, which strengthen nerves, muscles and maintain hormonal balance.

Purple Friday
On the day of Jupiter, the table will include eggplants, greenling fish, red cabbage, dark grapes, black currants, plums, blackberries, blueberries, blueberries, purple onions, beets, prunes, and basil. This color not only suppresses appetite, but also develops intuition and awakens the desire for spiritual growth. Used in moderation, this color will help you bounce back after a hard day.

Black Saturday
Nutritionists' instructions for Black Saturday are very strict: Saturn's day is a fasting day. And the radio