Star diet: Victoria Bonya practices a raw food diet

The famous presenter and model Victoria Bonya decided to completely switch to a raw food diet. So, the singer eats only raw foods. Why Victoria chose this style of eating - read in our material.

Victoria Bonya decided to go on a three-month diet, which is designed to “give new breath” to the presenter’s body, completely cleansing it of toxins and waste. In addition, Victoria needs a diet in order, according to her, to bring her body closer to ideal. Bonya’s decision was conscious, and she went to him for months. So, in order to completely give up ready-made food and leave only a raw menu in her diet, the TV presenter first excluded red meat, fish and poultry from her diet. After a couple of weeks, Victoria completely switched to vegetarianism. And after another two weeks, Bonya decided to leave only raw food in her diet.

“I have long wanted to try a raw food diet. And today is already the fifth day (by the way, there is more fear in this matter than difficulties),” writes Bonya on her Instagram. Also, according to her, the raw food menu is not as poor and meager as it might seem at first glance.

A raw food diet is a style of eating in which a person refuses any food that can be cooked. According to raw foodists, food loses nutrients during the cooking process. In addition, many raw foodists are fond of esotericism and are confident that this style of eating will “cleanse their energy channels,” making them closer to the perception of information from the subtle worlds.

Most often, raw foodists are those who like the idea of ​​vegetarianism, so their food consists of raw fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals.

The transition to a raw food diet, according to experienced raw foodists, should be gradual and can take from a year to three. So, first you need to give up red meat, leaving other foods in your diet. Further, refusal follows from poultry and chicken. Even later - from eggs and dairy products. After following the path of veganism for some time, you can switch to a raw food diet.

The period of adaptation of the body takes from six months to a year. Then, as experienced raw foodists note, everything becomes normal and familiar.

Doctors do not particularly welcome this type of diet due to the lack of a number of vitamins and other nutrients in the diet. They strongly advise raw foodists to take vitamins. Doctors also urge not to introduce children to such a diet, since a growing body needs a balanced diet.

In general, many who switched to a raw food diet are happy with the results. Raw foodists note that their health, skin, hair have improved, extra pounds have gone away and they have forgotten about depression.