In Japan they sell coffee that burns fat

The Japanese surprise the world again! This time, Japanese scientists have invented a new type of coffee, the beans of which take 2.5 times longer to roast than regular ones, and are specifically designed to burn fat. Such an approach to a well-known and beloved drink is, to say the least, surprising.

Kao Japan will produce the drink under the Healthya brand, which even by its name is associated with health and a healthy lifestyle.

The fat burning effect is possible thanks to chlorogenic acid, which is produced in larger quantities due to a specific method of roasting coffee beans. To reduce the oxides formed as a result of additional firing, the so-called “nanotrap” is used.

In a 12-week study conducted by experts, after drinking Healthya coffee, volunteers lost an average of 1.5 kg. The experiment involved 109 men and women who had been obese for a long time.

When drinking just 185 ml of coffee per day, 25% of subjects reported weight loss after 4 weeks, 51% of volunteers after 8 weeks, and 72% of participants after 12 weeks. Healthya's fat-burning coffee will allegedly cost $1.60 per can and come in two different flavors: with sugar and milk and without sugar and milk.

It should be noted that this year at the Orleans Conference, scientists recognized the truly healing properties of green coffee beans for diabetics. Studies were conducted, the results of which were simply amazing: the glucose level in the blood of the subjects decreased to 30%.
