Fruits will save you from cellulite and hair loss

It's no secret that fruits contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. And they are suitable not only for consumption, but also for the production of all kinds of scrubs, masks and lotions. We have already written about the features of natural cosmetics. Today - more about the beneficial properties of pineapple, grapes, apples and oranges.

A pineapple
The pulp of the fruit contains provitamin A and B vitamins. Pineapple masks cleanse the skin of dead cells, increase collagen production, perfectly moisturize and prevent the appearance of sebum. But remember that pineapple can cause allergies.

Grapes contain a great variety of useful substances - these are monosaccharides, organic acids, pectin substances and tonic properties. Grape treatments tone the skin, improve color and give it elasticity. They also restore collagen fibers and effectively fight cellulite.

Apples contain a whole complex of vitamins: fiber, essential oils, carotene, organic acids, vitamins B and C. Apple masks are especially useful for acne and peeling - they lighten and cleanse the skin, improve metabolic processes in it. For dry skin, use sweet apple varieties.

The orange contains vitamins C, E and PP, pectin, potassium, carotene, malic and citric acids. Use for hair loss, to care for dry and mature skin, for acne and after shaving. Orange juice is included in lotions, creams and masks for the face and body.