Top 5 most harmful alcoholic drinks

  1. Beer. Despite the low alcohol content (3-4%), beer is very harmful. A person cannot control the amount of alcohol consumed due to the large volume.

  2. Low alcohol drinks. They are even more dangerous than strong alcoholic drinks. The illusion of “safety” easily arises, which leads to an overdose.

  3. Alcoholic cocktails. A mixture of strong drinks with wine, liqueurs and other ingredients is very toxic to the liver.

  4. Sparkling wine. Due to the high carbon dioxide content, they are absorbed faster and remain in the body longer.

  5. Sweet liqueurs. High sugar content in combination with alcohol provokes diabetes, obesity and other problems.

Doctors recommend: women - no more than a glass or two of wine or champagne, men - no more than 200 g of strong drinks and always with a good snack. The main thing is to observe the measure and regime.