Corn diet

Corn diet: a quick way to lose weight

The corn diet is a dietary program based on the consumption of corn in various forms: fresh, canned or in the form of porridge. Many reviews indicate its effectiveness in weight loss. If you follow the corn diet correctly, you can lose 3 to 4 kilograms in a week. However, nutritionists recommend using this method only if you want to quickly lose a few kilograms and only after consulting a doctor.

The principle of operation of the corn diet is based on the fact that the enzymes contained in corn promote active fat burning. They break down fats that enter the intestines and encourage the body to use subcutaneous fatty tissue in the process of producing energy. Thanks to this, the lost weight does not return and the result is permanent.

The corn diet is designed for 4 days. During the first two days, you need to eat 500-700 grams of corn in four doses along with vegetables (raw vegetables, herbs) and fruits, except those that contain a lot of sugar (grapes, melon, bananas). Meat and fish dishes should be completely excluded during this period. It is also necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and other drinks are not recommended.

On the second day, you can add 100 grams of stewed mushrooms and fruits to your diet in the evening, while not forgetting about the drinking regime. On the third and fourth days, you need to reduce your corn intake by a third and half, respectively, but leave vegetables and fruits in the same quantities.

Although corn can be consumed in any form, it is best to choose fresh boiled corn in summer, which provides the body with the necessary enzymes, vitamins and minerals in full. It is advisable not to use dry cereal, although it can replace fresh or canned corn.

The corn diet can be an effective way to lose weight quickly, but it should only be used when truly necessary and only after consulting a doctor. In addition, after finishing the diet, you must maintain a healthy diet and moderate physical activity to maintain the results.