How Polina Gagarina lost weight: the story of a star

Polina Gagarina lost 40 kilograms of excess weight in just six months. How the singer managed to do this, read in our material.

Yogurt diet: tasty and effective

Polina Gagarina gained a lot of weight after the birth of her son, as happens to many women after pregnancy and childbirth. At that time, her weight reached 80 kilograms with a height of 164 cm. However, the singer decided not to put up with the state of affairs and the state of her figure, and declared war on excess weight. How did Polina Gagarina lose weight?

Diet from Polina Gagarina: principles

Polina says that she lost weight thanks to a strict diet and establishing a proper life schedule: sports, sleep, nutrition. As part of Gagarina’s diet, you need to eat rice one day, eat chicken on the second day, and on the third day the diet will include only salads without salt, seasoned with olive oil. The duration of the diet is 9 days, after which you need to switch to proper nutrition in order to continue losing weight and train yourself to watch what you eat. After all, only this factor will help maintain a beautiful figure for a long time.

If necessary, the diet can be repeated after a three-week rest.

Food portions should be small. You can eat 4 times a day. The last meal should be taken at 18:00.

As for nutrition after finishing the nine-day diet, Polina Gagarina recommends accustoming yourself to choosing the right foods.

“Diet is difficult only in the first days, when hunger is acute. Then you get involved. As for nutrition after finishing the diet, it is very important to teach yourself to eat properly, so that it is not violence, but a lifestyle,” says Polina. The singer herself completely abandoned sweets, flour (except for products made from whole grain flour), fatty broths and alcohol. Agree, it’s not the biggest sacrifice for the sake of an ideal body.

Initially, the diet that Polina Gagarina followed was three days on rice, then three days on chicken and another three days on vegetables. However, as practice shows, few people manage to withstand three-day restrictions, so Polina’s option is more acceptable.

Gagarina's breakfast already consists of oatmeal or wheat porridge with dried fruits and nuts. Honey can be used. For lunch, the star prefers low-fat soup or boiled meat with vegetables. An afternoon snack is always low-fat cottage cheese or fruit. Dinner - seafood, vegetables or kefir. You also need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.

Dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime, no later. Firstly, it is important for digestion, since the stomach needs to rest at night. And, secondly, when this principle is followed, food will not go into fat deposits, but will be converted into benefits for the body.

“As for fruits, I prefer apples. They improve intestinal function and give the skin a beautiful color. It is also advisable to eat as many seasonal vegetables as possible, this is also very helpful in maintaining your figure,” Gagarina is sure.

According to Polina, such a diet helps her keep in perfect shape. It is worth noting that in addition to proper nutrition, the singer also regularly exercises to keep her body not only slim, but also toned. The singer chose the gym and swimming as her physical activity.