Buckwheat diet: healthy and satisfying

Despite the fact that buckwheat is now expensive, Dr. Wolf Laskin’s anti-cancer diet, during which only buckwheat is used, is the most effective and harmless. Eating one buckwheat for two weeks suggests a loss of 12 kg. Although the process of losing weight during such a diet is not very fast, compared to others, it is the most effective and losing 12 kg is not the limit.

Buckwheat, like rice, is a high-calorie grain, so these diets are very similar to each other. They both not only allow you to reduce your body weight, but also reduce cellulite. Also, the buckwheat diet, contraindications for the use of which must be checked with your doctor, improves mood, vitality and emotional state.

The high calorie content of buckwheat makes it possible to give up protein and fat for two weeks - they are replaced with protein of plant origin.


If you set out to lose weight with buckwheat, you need to comply with certain conditions. The first and most important of them is to switch to separate meals, completely abandoning seasonings, sauces, spices and especially salt. By the way, many effective diets are also based on excluding “white death” from the diet.


The stunning effect that can be achieved with the help of a diet is only possible with special preparation of the buckwheat itself. To do this, in the evening, pour 0.5 kg of cereal into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Wrap the pan with its contents in a blanket and leave until the morning. Cooking buckwheat is strictly prohibited. In the morning it will take the form of ordinary, familiar boiled cereal. This is the kind of “porridge” you should eat for two weeks.

Just as with many other diets, it is allowed to consume ordinary water in any quantity - still and non-mineralized. Unlike juices, it does not aggravate the feeling of hunger.

Since the buckwheat diet is considered strict, it is necessary to take multivitamins while following it, even in cases where they will cause nausea.

If you do not accept strict diets or they are contraindicated for you, in addition to buckwheat itself, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities, drink a liter of low-fat kefir per day - both with “porridge” and separately, at any convenient time. If the feeling of hunger is especially strong before bed, then drink kefir no later than an hour before you fall asleep.


The biggest advantage of Dr. Laskin's diet is that it does not cause any pain - fatigue, dizziness, constipation and bloating. On the contrary, every day you will feel lightness and satisfaction thanks to the high calorie content of buckwheat.

In addition, thanks to it, blood vessels are cleansed, which significantly reduces the risk of developing both a heart attack and stroke. It also helps get rid of waste and toxins.

If you periodically change diets, then in this case the break between the end of buckwheat and the beginning of any other should be at least one month so that the body has time to gain strength and the necessary nutrients before the next test.