The harm from popular diets is obvious

One of the main reasons for harm to health when following diets is their incorrect selection. When choosing a diet, it is almost impossible to take into account all the individual factors that led to excess weight gain. No one-size-fits-all diet can address so many causes.

Women are ready to make any sacrifice in order to quickly lose weight, but are often not ready to radically change their habits and lifestyle in order to choose the right diet that suits their body specifically. Often a diet is chosen that has helped a friend or acquaintance. In this case, the probability of disappointment in the results reaches 90%.

Without taking into account the body's capabilities, many choose too strict diets for the sake of maximum effect. The result is either a breakdown or such serious weakening that there is no strength to do ordinary things.

The harm is obvious for several reasons:

  1. Lack of flexibility. It's rare to stick to one menu every day. Not all products are available and substitutions are not recommended. You have to force yourself to eat unusual foods.

  2. The diet may contain foods that are contraindicated for existing diseases.

  3. Strict restrictions require enormous willpower to give up your favorite foods.

  4. You have to cook separately for each family member.

  5. During a diet, vitamins and microelements are often lacking, which disrupts metabolism.

  6. The cost of dietary products is disproportionate to their benefits.

I recommend:

  1. Carefully study and adjust your diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

  2. Choose a diet after which the weight does not return, and pay attention to your health status.