Li Da slimming capsules: consumer protection experts recommend

A person’s desire to conform to the canons of beauty of his era is perhaps as natural as his desire for success, happiness, wealth and self-improvement. The diversity of these canons is reflected in the works of art that have come down to us - paintings, frescoes, sculpture, photography - all of them have become a reflection of the tastes of their time: from ancient Greek athletes, whose proportions obeyed the canon of Polykleitos to the magnificent forms of the Renaissance, from the style a la garcon to heavy and then - feminine images of our time.

There is a well-known expression that beauty requires sacrifice. And from century to century, women plucked their eyebrows, pulled themselves into tight corsets, and slept half-sitting in order to maintain the integrity of their high hairstyles. Each era dictated its own requirements. And despite the fact that in the third millennium we are free from many conventions and stereotypes, even now, following established ideas about beauty is very relevant.

Modern ideas about beauty, formed through the prism of the covers of glossy magazines and fashionable television programs, include, first of all, requirements for the figure, and not only most women, but also many men strive to follow the established canons of a beautiful body in any way.

For all those who do not have time for grueling workouts in gyms and the desire to torture themselves with diets, a simple and painless way to control body weight has been developed - “Li Da” weight loss capsules, the components of which help cope with hunger and have a positive effect on speed metabolism, reducing the volume of fat depots, contribute to a decrease in appetite and a change in eating patterns.

On the market of such products, one of the most popular today are Li Da weight loss capsules. Their manufacturer, Kunming Dali Trade and Industry Company (PRC), combined the wisdom of ancient civilization with the latest technology in this product.

The ingredients included in Li Da weight loss capsules that help create a feeling of fullness and suppress appetite include fiber and cellulose from sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as thermogenics called fat burners.

Li Da slimming capsules are consumed once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. Although the composition of the complex is balanced, there are times when during use, in order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to make adjustments taking into account individual characteristics.

Precisely because this dietary product is in high consumer demand, along with the original “Li Da” weight loss capsules, the domestic market is also flooded with products of dubious origin, using the name “Li Da”, coming from neighboring countries - as a rule, cheaper than the original product.

“It is for weight loss capsules “Li Da” that the largest number of requests to the Ukrainian Consumer Association is noted, and the bulk of them boil down to one question: how to avoid purchasing a counterfeit product?,” noted Oleg Samchishin, president of the Ukrainian Consumer Association.

The study showed that of all purchased samples, only one fully met the manufacturer’s requirements. Of the 9 selected samples, only two met the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.

Among the most common violations was the lack of a batch number, as well as the full name, address and telephone number of the importer. The absence of a batch number on the packaging makes it impossible to track the path of the product from the manufacturer to the buyer, which may indicate the dubious origin of the product.

When choosing Li Da weight loss capsules, experts recommend:

  1. Check that the batch number on the packaging and accompanying documents matches

  2. Require a certificate of conformity

  3. Carefully study the labeling, paying attention to the presence of the batch number and importer contacts

  4. Buy products