Top 7 secrets of an ideal figure

There is a category of people who never watch their weight, eat as much as they want and invariably remain thin. What is the secret of this magic? Is it just genetics? Let's figure it out.

  1. Psychological factor. Naturally thin people don't care how much they weigh. They do not monitor excess calories and often do not even know their exact weight, completely relying on the body’s self-regulation.

  2. Self-sufficiency. Slim people tend to think positively. They don't care about stereotypes, so criticizing themselves for being overweight is unworthy for them.

  3. Nutrition issue. Skinny people eat when they are hungry, not on a schedule. They listen to the needs of the body and eat what they want, and not what is prescribed by the diet.

  4. Amount of food. Thin people eat little and stop when they become full. They are bothered by the extra weight in their stomach.

  5. Intuition and sport. Naturally slim people are active and exercise when they feel the need.

  6. Life goals. Thin people have interests, goals and plans. They never get bored.

  7. Positive attitude. Even as they age, positive people are interested in life and enjoy it.

Here are the main secrets of an ideal figure for naturally slender people. The key is to listen to your body and enjoy life!