How to use flaxseed oil for weight loss

Flaxseed oil is not only an excellent product for the beauty of skin and hair, but also a useful product that can help with weight loss. This is due to the rich composition of the oil, which contains many beneficial substances, such as OMEGA-3, OMEGA-6 and OMEGA-9 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

However, you should not rely only on flaxseed oil in the process of losing weight. It is necessary to monitor your diet, pay attention to physical activity and ensure sufficient time for sleep. Flaxseed oil can only help speed up the weight loss process and make it easier and more enjoyable for the body.

How to take flaxseed oil for weight loss?

It is important to know that flaxseed oil should be taken 30 minutes before meals along with a glass of water or juice (before breakfast, lunch and dinner). If this procedure is quite unpleasant for you and you cannot drink the oil yourself, you can add it as a dressing to vegetable salads or to cottage cheese and yogurt. It is advisable to choose low-fat products and add a little honey for sweetness.

The daily intake of flaxseed oil during weight loss is 100 grams per day. However, this norm should not be exceeded, as excessive oil consumption can have a negative impact on health. The duration of using the oil is 3 months, after which you need to take a break. You should not conduct more than two courses per year.

How to choose the right linseed oil?

In order for flaxseed oil to work and promote weight loss, you need to choose a quality product and store it correctly at home.

It is best to buy flaxseed oil in a dark bottle, as light oxidizes the oil. Before purchasing, be sure to read the ingredients list to avoid purchasing oils with added impurities.

It is best to buy linseed oil in trusted places that can guarantee proper storage, because it spoils very easily from high temperatures. Store the oil in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.

The oil should not taste bitter. If you feel bitterness, it means it has spoiled and it is better to avoid using it. The color of the oil can range from golden to brown depending on the level of purification.

It is important to remember that you cannot fry with flaxseed oil, as it quickly oxidizes at high temperatures. Consume it only in its “raw” form, adding it to prepared dishes or using it as a salad dressing. You can also add flaxseed oil to smoothies or cocktails.


Flaxseed oil is a healthy product that can help in the weight loss process due to its rich composition. However, you should not rely only on oil and forget about proper nutrition, physical activity and adequate sleep. Flaxseed oil should be taken before meals, for 3 months, without exceeding the permissible limit. When choosing oil, you should pay attention to the quality of the product and its proper storage. And do not forget that flaxseed oil cannot be fried, it should only be consumed in its “raw” form.