Geisha diet

Who wouldn't want to have a petite, chiseled Japanese figurine figure without the slightest bit of fat? This diet is attractive by its name alone, which evokes strong associations with graceful Japanese beauties. What adds to its popularity is its simplicity and accessibility - the main components of the diet menu (rice, tea and milk) can be found in any grocery store. Most of those who have tried this method of losing weight are satisfied, since the geisha diet not only effectively removes kilograms, but also perfectly restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes excess fluid from the body and calms frayed nerves. Increased performance and overall well-being were also noted. Thanks to daily consumption of milk, a person does not experience an acute feeling of hunger, and therefore is not susceptible to attacks of aggression and irritability.

But it is worth noting that the geisha’s diet is quite strict and monotonous for disciplined girls who can withstand a very meager menu. It can be carried out no more than five days, and repeated no earlier than two weeks later. It is advisable to prepare for the diet several days in advance, reducing portions and giving up heavy, fatty foods so that the body does not experience stress from a sudden change in diet. If you adhere to all the conditions, you can easily lose up to 7 kg of excess weight in five days, which will not return soon if you limit yourself to high-calorie foods. Here is a simple menu for this popular diet.

Breakfast: 2 cups of green tea with milk in a 1:1 ratio.
Lunch: 1 bowl of boiled rice without salt, preferably brown, 1 cup of warmed milk.
Dinner: 1 bowl of boiled rice without salt, 1 cup of green tea with milk.

If it is very difficult to maintain such a regime, you are allowed to drink several additional cups of tea with milk per day. A prerequisite is that the drink must be warm, in this form it has increased diuretic properties. But you need to completely eliminate sugar and salt. You can also drink any amount of mineral water without gas.