Top 9 tips on how not to overeat

Overeating is one of the most common nutrition-related problems these days. This can lead to various diseases such as obesity, diabetes and other healthy problems. Modern lifestyle, lack of time and stress can lead us to eat more than we need. In this article, we'll look at 9 simple tips to help you reduce your calorie intake and avoid overeating.

  1. Eat slowly

One easy way to avoid overeating is to eat slowly. Chew your food thoroughly and give your brain time to receive the signal that you are full. Remember that the brain only receives this signal 20 minutes after you start eating. So take your time and give enough time to each meal.

  1. Eat from small dishes

Using small plates and cups will help you control your portions and avoid overeating. A large plate may cause you to pour more food than you need. Additionally, when you eat from a small plate, your brain may be tricked into thinking you've eaten more than you actually have.

  1. Eat at the kitchen table

Eat only at the table in the kitchen or dining room. Avoid eating in the room near the TV or computer, as this may cause you to become uncontrollable in the amount of food you eat.

  1. Place food only on plates

Do not eat from a frying pan or saucepan place food only on plates so you can see the portion. This will help you control the amount of food you consume and avoid overeating. Plus, when you set the table, it makes the food more attractive and delicious.

  1. Treat yourself to dessert

Eat fruit, nuts, raisins or half a marshmallow at the end of each meal. This will help you satisfy your sweet tooth and avoid overeating. At the same time, the nutrients in these foods can improve your digestion and overall health.

  1. Get up from the table feeling hungry

When you eat, your brain doesn't get the signal that you're full until 20 minutes after you've had your fill. Therefore, to avoid overeating, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. If you feel hungry some time after eating, snack on nuts or eat a small yogurt.

  1. Eat alone

Eat in silence and without distractions. This will help you concentrate on eating and control the amount of food you consume. When you eat with others, you may be prone to compulsive thinking or looking at your phone, which can lead to overeating.

  1. Don't drink high-calorie drinks

High-calorie drinks, such as soda or juices, can be high in sugar and calories. Replace them with healthier drinks, such as green tea or unsweetened compote. If you can't do without soda, try replacing it with mineral water or lemon water.

  1. Don't lose your temper

Each of us from time to time feels the urge to snack on something harmful. If you really want chocolate or ice cream, don’t follow your desires. Have a healthy snack and distract yourself with other activities. After all, if you fail, you will subsequently reproach yourself.

In conclusion, overeating can lead to many healthy problems, so it is important to control the amount of food you consume. By following these simple tips, you can avoid overeating and stay healthy and active throughout your life.