Flavorful food promotes weight loss

Dutch scientists say that the aroma of a dish and its consistency affect how much food a person can eat. Experts published the results of their experiments and observations in the magazine Flavor.

That is, if food takes a long time to chew, on a subconscious level people bite off less and, thus, eat less. Also, if the dish smells very tasty, it is fresh and aromatic, a hungry person has every chance of feeling full in a very short time.

Dutch doctors note that their observations can be used in dietetics to control the portions of food eaten. The scientists build on their experiment, where they asked a focus group to eat identical desserts but with different flavors. It turned out that those whose cake was more flavorful ate a 5-10% smaller portion.

Experts believe this happens because if a person does not smell the food, he eats more, because it seems to him that he is not full.

So, eating flavorful, thick foods can help you feel full faster and eat smaller portions, which can help you lose weight. By choosing more flavorful foods and dishes that take longer to chew, you can control your weight.