Diet Three fists

Many diets are based on strict calorie counting of foods consumed. But it is very labor-intensive, so people often give up such diets. The Three Fists diet does not require calorie counting - its principles were developed by Oleg Tern.

The main rule of the diet is that the serving size should not exceed the size of your fist. This volume can be determined by immersing a fist in a container of water and measuring the volume displaced by it.

For normal functioning of the body, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins are needed. Therefore, in the diet, products are divided into 4 classes:

  1. Protein (eggs, lean meats and fish)
  2. Vegetables and greens
  3. Cereals and pasta
  4. Fruits and berries

It is recommended to combine products from all classes. Specific products can be selected based on taste and availability.

The diet sometimes allows you to deviate from the rules and provides methods for returning to the regime after deviations. This relieves psychological discomfort from restrictions.

The goal of the diet is not temporary weight loss, but a transition to a permanent healthy diet.

Diet results:

  1. Smooth weight loss 0.5-1.5 kg per week
  2. Improved sense of taste
  3. Reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  4. Transition to healthy eating for life

The diet is convenient, gives you freedom to choose foods and leads to your goal.