How to lose weight quickly? Rihanna advises

How to lose weight quickly? Rihanna advises.

What our favorite stars have tried to maintain their sexy shape and not leave various ratings. Top nutritionists offer know-how for healthy weight loss. Supporters of the new program include Rihanna, Jessica Biel and Katherine Heigl.

American doctor Arthur Agatson assures that sticking to a diet is quite simple: you need to choose foods that increase your blood glucose levels. This way you will quickly get full and forget about the feeling of hunger. The diet includes fish, eggs and dietary meat, flour products and animal fats must be excluded.

The program is divided into three phases: the first two weeks you cleanse the body (no carbohydrates), the next phase lasts until you lose the desired number of kilograms (eat oatmeal, nuts, pears, pineapples, muesli, fresh juices, corn). At the final stage, you need to maintain the result.

Advantages: the diet is aimed at people with heart disease, so it is absolutely safe for health. You can safely combine many products.

Disadvantages: too strict restrictions at the first stage of the diet - refusal of flour, sweets and fruits.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, bacon.
Lunch: whole grain pasta and 200 gr. boiled chicken.
Dinner: tomato soup.

You can: fish, nuts, olive oil.
Not allowed: sour cream, butter, yellow cheese, fatty meat.