Marine diet

Marine diet: effectiveness and standard menu

The marine diet, based on the consumption of seafood, has become popular due to its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Followers of this diet claim that it helps you lose weight quickly and improve your overall health. In this article we will look at a typical marine diet menu and its benefits.

One of the famous adherents of the seafood diet is Melanie Griffith, who lost more than 12 kilograms thanks to seafood and moderate exercise. She claims platefuls of crab, oysters, clams and nights of love with her partner helped her go from plump to slender and seductive beauty.

Typical marine diet menu


  1. Two slices of bran bread, lettuce, tomato, 50 g of tuna in its own juice;
  2. 25g unsweetened cereal with milk, bran toast, some marmalade, one small banana;
  3. One piece of toast, 50 g of sardines in their own juice, a glass of lemon juice, sliced ​​tomato;
  4. 50 g of mushrooms, boiled in a small amount of chicken broth, one soft-boiled egg, one slice of well-grilled low-fat bacon, one crispbread and half a glass of orange juice.


  1. 150 g of any seafood (shrimp, crab, shellfish, etc.), weighed without shells, and a large portion of mixed salad, dressed with lemon juice;
  2. 90 g canned salmon or tuna, a large portion of mixed salad, dressed with lemon juice, one small bun;
  3. One piece of toast, one fish cutlet with a tablespoon of tomato sauce, a large portion of green vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice;
  4. Sandwich of two small slices of bran bread with salad and one of the following toppings: two mashed sardines; one grilled and chopped fish stick; 50 g crab or salmon pate.

In addition, the lunch menu includes fresh fruit to choose from: an apple, an orange, a pear, two plums or a small banana.


  1. 150 g smoked ham, boiled in water, 12 g asparagus sauce, a large portion of mixed salad, dressed with lemon juice;
  2. 150 g of squid, fried in a frying pan with onions and garlic, a large portion of mixed salad, dressed with lemon juice;
  3. 150 g of shrimp, boiled in salted water, a large portion of green vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and one small bun;
  4. 150 g of cod baked in the oven with lemon and garlic, a large portion of mixed salad, dressed with lemon juice.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Benefits of the Marine Diet

The marine diet has a number of benefits, including:

  1. Rich in nutrients. Seafood contains proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal functioning of the body.
  2. Low calorie content. Seafood contains fewer calories than many other types of food, so eating it can help you lose weight quickly.
  3. Improved health. Seafood products reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and also help improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Despite all the benefits, the seafood diet is not suitable for everyone. People with seafood allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people with chronic medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting this diet. In addition, as with any diet, you need to monitor your health and not overuse seafood products.