How to make coffee healthy

Do you love coffee and can’t imagine life without it? Is three cups a day the limit for you? Then you should know that caffeine in large quantities has a negative effect on the body. How to reduce this harm without giving up coffee? Read our material!

Nature has given us a huge variety of products. Sometimes their combination can enhance or, conversely, reduce one or another effect on the body. For example, if you add honey to very hot tea, it will lose its beneficial properties. And if you add some spices to coffee, they will neutralize its negative effects on the body.


Cardamom will not only add a piquant aroma to coffee, but will also have a mild soothing effect and strengthen the stomach. It is better to add cardamom to coffee fresh (in powder) or in the form of boxes.


Cinnamon gives coffee a pleasant sweet flavor and has huge health benefits. It lowers blood glucose levels and reduces the “acidifying” effect of coffee. Cinnamon can be added during preparation with a whole stick or sprinkled on the finished ground coffee.

Black pepper

Pepper has the ability to cleanse the digestive system, stimulate metabolic processes, promote better functioning of the stomach and the removal of toxins. Add 2-3 peas to freshly brewed coffee.


Cloves stimulate blood flow and lower blood pressure. Add 1 head to your coffee and let it brew. Cloves contain essential oils that will fill the drink with aroma and reduce its harm to the body.


Ginger has calming properties, relieves spasms and pain symptoms, and is used as a stimulant for the digestive system. It is enough to add a small fresh piece of root or a little powder to the coffee during brewing.

Try experimenting with different spices. This not only has a positive effect on the body, but also adds a special piquancy to the usual ritual of brewing coffee. This way you can find your unique recipe for your favorite drink.

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Coffee is often blamed for many diseases and ailments, but many cannot resist its aroma and taste. But what if I told you that you can make your coffee not only tastier, but also healthier? To do this, you will need some spices that will help neutralize the aggressive effects of caffeine and additionally enrich your drink with beneficial substances.

  1. Black pepper. It cleanses the digestive system, removes toxins, improves metabolism and is an antiseptic. Add pepper to the hot drink, 1-2 peas at a time, and let it brew. This way you can bring out all the beneficial properties of pepper and give your coffee a unique taste.

  2. Cardamom. This spice soothes and strengthens the stomach, and also enriches the aroma of coffee with essential oils. Cardamom can be added either in powder form or in whole boxes.

  3. Carnation. It stimulates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. To bring out the beneficial effects of the spice, add the clove flower to your coffee and let it brew.

  4. Cinnamon. It reduces the oxidizing effect of coffee, which reduces the harmfulness of the drink to the body. You can add it as a powder or dip a cinnamon stick into a hot drink.

  5. Ginger. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps relieve pain and spasms, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. You can add ginger to coffee while brewing. The drink will acquire a tart taste.

You can also experiment with other spices to add variety and flavor to your coffee. The main thing is not to overuse and enjoy the drink in moderation.

Besides spices, there are other ways to make coffee healthy. For example, you can add milk or plant milk, which reduces the effects of caffeine on the body. You can also use high-quality natural coffee, which contains fewer harmful substances than cheap powdered coffee.

In conclusion, I would like to note that coffee can be made not only tasty, but also healthy. Add spices and experiment to enjoy this drink without harm to your health.