How to eat cheaply and healthy during a crisis

Crisis times force us to save on everything, including food. In such a situation, many people begin to abandon expensive and not always healthy products in favor of more affordable and healthy ones. But how to properly combine business with pleasure and stay full in times of crisis? In this article we will look at a list of foods that are worth including in your diet, as well as those foods that you can avoid during a crisis.


Fish is a product that needs to be increased in the diet. Fish contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which have a good effect on our appearance (skin, hair, nails) and organ function. But you don't have to buy expensive fish like salmon or trout. Instead, you can pay attention to river fish, which are caught in our country and have not increased in price so much. For example, crucian carp and silver carp, although they are full of bones, the taste is no worse, the benefits are the same, and the price is much lower.


Buckwheat, which everyone loves, has jumped in price, but there are many other cereals: oatmeal, millet, chaff, Artek, barley. Cereals are an essential food product, as they contain many vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper digestion and a healthy lifestyle. They can be prepared in different ways: in their pure form, in the form of porridge, or added to other dishes.


Beans and lentils are foods that are high in protein and nutrients. They can replace a full dinner of meat with a side dish. For example, you can prepare beans as a soup or lentils as a salad. This is not only useful, but also economical.


Vegetables are a product that can always be found in stores at any time of the year. Despite the fact that now is not the season for vegetables, nevertheless, they have not lost their beneficial properties. Potatoes, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots - these are salads, baked goods, pickles, fried, boiled, pickled. They can be used in various cooking options. Don't forget to add herbs and nuts to taste - another healthy and inexpensive product that you can pick from the garden or buy in the store.

Sweets and baked goods

Chocolates, sweets, buns with or without jam are products that can satisfy our sweet tooth. However, they are not healthy and can be replaced with healthier alternatives. For example, instead of sweets, you can eat dried fruits, and instead of baked goods, oatmeal cookies or kefir pancakes without sugar. You can also try making homemade desserts from fruits and yogurt.

Avoiding ready-made meals

Times of crisis can force us to save time and buy ready-made meals at the store. However, such dishes contain many preservatives and calories, which are not good for our body. Therefore, you should give up ready-made meals and start cooking yourself. This is not only useful, but also economical.

Bottom line

To eat healthy and healthy during a crisis, you need to pay attention to inexpensive but healthy foods such as fish, cereals, legumes, vegetables, herbs and nuts. In turn, you should avoid expensive and not always healthy products, such as chocolates, sweets and ready-made meals. Cooking yourself is not only economical, but also good for our health.