What vitamins live in persimmons?

Surely, many of you love persimmon - an exotic, sometimes sweet and tart orange fruit. How can you not love it if this fruit is not only tasty, but also very healthy! Persimmons contain 2 times more vitamins than apples! It is interesting that in Latin persimmon is called “diospyros”, which means “food of the gods”. You have a great opportunity to learn more about the benefits of persimmon, which is the real “food of the gods”!

The orange color of the fruit indicates a high amount of beta-carotene, which we know is beneficial for strengthening vision. In addition, carotene stops the processes of premature aging and prevents pulmonary diseases.

Persimmon fruits are rich in vitamins C and PP - thanks to them, it helps us fight fatigue and depression. These same vitamins are responsible for the condition of our skin and hair. Persimmons contain magnesium, which is good for heart function, iron, potassium and iodine.

How to choose persimmons. To buy a ripe persimmon, pay attention to the presence of brown stripes on the skin - the more of them, the sweeter the persimmon. The fruit must have a smooth, undamaged surface. and soft to the touch. It is best to store persimmons frozen, this will relieve them of astringency and preserve their appearance.

Plant sugars are important components of persimmon; they are indispensable for cardiovascular problems. The fruits also have excellent diuretic properties, so persimmon will be very useful for hypertension. Three or four pieces a day will help bring your blood pressure back to normal without taking a single pill. For workaholics, it is generally necessary to include this fruit in the daily diet, because it increases performance and stress resistance.

Traditional medicine healers used persimmon fruits to treat stomach diseases and intestinal disorders. After all, it is known that persimmon fruits have not only anti-inflammatory, but also astringent properties. Ripe persimmon can be applied to wounds and burns, they will heal faster. And persimmon leaves contain almost all the minerals and vitamins a person needs; tea made from these leaves is an excellent remedy for anemia.

  1. The sweet fruits of persimmon satisfy hunger, but at the same time contain few calories, so nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for those who want to cope with extra pounds.

  2. Persimmon helps cope with constipation. Since it is a fruit rich in pectin, which it contains more than apples or oranges. Pectin is coarse dietary fiber that is not digested in the body, adsorbs all toxic substances and removes them. However, it is precisely because of this quality of persimmon that you should be careful with it - you should not overeat it, especially the astringent persimmon. You can get rid of viscosity by freezing persimmon fruits or keeping them in vodka for a couple of hours.

  3. Persimmon is also an excellent helper for colds and coughs. It is useful to gargle with the juice of one ripe persimmon mixed with 3.5 tbsp. spoons of warm water.

  4. Did you know that persimmons are also good for cosmetic purposes? You can prepare a mask from persimmon pulp and raw yolk, it will help you get rid of enlarged pores and dry out acne-prone skin. Persimmon is known for its tonic, refreshing properties; it perfectly fights the first signs of skin aging. Grind the fruit and mix the resulting mass with cream or yolk. Apply the paste to your face and hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with a warm, moistened sponge and rinse your face with cool water. For a full course, 15-20 masks are enough.

Persimmon is good everywhere! The main thing is to be able to choose the right fruit so as not to be disappointed by its tart taste. You need to choose fully ripe fruits, then their pulp will be truly sweet and juicy. Enjoy delicious and healthy persimmons! By eating 1-2 persimmons a day, you will not only get pleasure, but also supplement your diet with useful substances.