Start your morning with Ruslana Pysanka!

Every day we strive to be successful and energetic, but often our strength runs out by lunchtime. We dream of a toned figure, but we don’t have enough time for full-fledged sports. In such a situation, we can turn to the advice of TV presenter and actress Ruslana Pysanka, who shared the secrets of the right start to the day on her YouTube channel.

Ruslana Pysanka claims that morning is the most important time for every woman, when you can wake up before everyone else and be alone with yourself. After all, the rest of your day depends on your morning mood. Therefore, in order for every day to be successful and fruitful, you need to start it right. And Ruslana Pysanka is ready to help you with this.

Our TV presenter advises starting your morning with morning exercises. In order for the process of losing weight to be effective, the body to be toned, and health to be excellent, every morning Pysanka performs a set of exercises, which she shares with the audience. Just 15 minutes of simple exercises trigger the functioning of the whole body, speed up metabolism and contribute to the release of endorphin - the hormone of happiness - into the blood.

Ruslana Pysanka claims that exercise is where every woman losing weight should start her day. By the way, despite the apparent simplicity of the exercises that Pysanka performs and the relaxed state of the actress, in terms of its effect on the body, this exercise replaces the same 15 minutes of full-fledged and active sports!

Now every woman has the opportunity to start her morning with Ruslana Pysanka, doing special exercises for weight loss in sync with the TV star. Join Pysanka and start each day right, continuing the journey towards a new you - slim and healthy!

In addition, Ruslana Pysanka shared the secrets of her diet and lifestyle on her website You can also follow how Ruslana Pysanka is losing weight on her YouTube channel.

So, if you want to stay cheerful and energetic until late in the evening, strive for a toned figure, but don’t have enough time for full-fledged sports, join Ruslana Pysanka and start each day right. After all, morning is the most important time for every woman, when you can take care of your mental and physical state and prepare for new challenges and achievements. Ruslana Pysanka gives us the opportunity to start the day with proper exercise, which will help improve our well-being, speed up our metabolism and lose weight. And all this takes just 15 minutes of your morning time!

So don’t put off your health for later, start your morning with Ruslana Pysanka and continue the journey towards your new self - slim and healthy!