Dukan diet: stages and menu

The Pierre Dukan diet was developed by a nutritionist, after whom it is named. It is based on eating foods low in carbohydrates and high in proteins.

The essence of the diet is that proteins effectively suppress the feeling of hunger, but at the same time the person does not receive extra calories. A big advantage is the availability of products, the simplicity of recipes, and the absence of restrictions on portion sizes and meal times. There are only 3 simple rules:

  1. consume oat bran daily;
  2. drink at least 1.5 liters of water;
  3. exercise regularly.

It is recommended to follow the diet for several months. This allows you not only to lose weight and gain a slim figure, but also to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regularly remove toxins. Before starting use, consult your doctor.

In general, the Dukan diet includes 4 phases. Their duration depends on the desired final weight.

First phase - "Attack"

During this phase, it is recommended to eat foods high in protein, which are intensively processed by the body.

The duration of the phase depends on the initial and desired weight. It usually lasts 3-10 days. During this time, 2-6 kg are lost.

Lean poultry, liver, ham, seafood, fish, low-fat dairy products, and eggs are allowed. You can add spices, vinegar, onions, garlic, salt. Required - 1.5 tbsp. oat bran per day.

Second phase - "Cruise"

Lasts from one month until the desired weight is achieved. There is an alternation of protein and vegetable days.

Any vegetables are allowed, except starchy ones. Spices, gelatin, dairy products, and wine are added. You can’t eat porridge, you should eat only when you are very hungry and take oat bran.

Third phase - "Consolidation"

At this phase it is important to consolidate the result. We gradually return to our previous diet, preventing weight gain.

Duration - 10 days for each kg lost. Fruits, bread, cheese, grapes are allowed. Once a week - a “feast” in the form of one meal of your choice.

Fourth phase - "Stabilization"

The goal is to stabilize the weight. The diet includes products of the first phase. Three steps: 1 day a week - protein diet, 3 tbsp daily. bran, regular walking.

Pros of the Dukan diet: effectiveness, safety, lack of hunger.

Cons: seafood is expensive, unbalanced, not suitable for vegetarians.