Carrot diet

The carrot diet is a weight loss method that is based on a wonderful product for cleansing the body. Carrots contain many vitamins A, B3, C and E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid and sodium. This vegetable improves metabolism, helps the digestive tract, kills parasites and bacteria. Carrots contain carotene, which improves the immune system. Please note that the carrot diet is quite strict, because... You can’t eat practically anything except carrots.

The carrot diet is based on a carrot salad (1 kilogram of carrots, lemon and a tablespoon of honey).

Carrot salad recipe:
Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Mix honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix with carrots.

This salad must be divided into 3 portions. During meals, you are allowed to eat 1 fruit of any kind (apple, kiwi, pomegranate, orange, grapefruit), which can be eaten separately or added to a salad. Any other foods are excluded in the first 3 days of the diet. But on the 4th day you can include a small amount of fried potatoes and some meat in your diet, since day 4 is the day you quit the carrot diet. In 4 days, 3-3.5 kilograms are lost. After leaving the diet, you should limit yourself to sweet and fatty foods.

Carrot diet for 10 days
In addition to this diet, there is also a carrot diet for 10 days. It is easy to follow and all you can eat for 10 days is grated carrots with sour cream. In this case, there should be as many carrots as possible, and a little sour cream. It is allowed to eat a salad once a day not with raw carrots, but with boiled ones. Be sure to drink at least 3 glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice per day. By following this diet, you are guaranteed to lose 5 kilograms in 10 days.

A carrot diet for 10 days will help not only lose weight, but also cure hemorrhoids (suppositories should still be used).