Madonna's diet

Madonna's diet

Madonna takes what she eats so seriously that not a single meal goes unattended by her personal nutritionist. Due to the strict rules of her diet, Madonna categorically does not accept food prepared by “strangers” and almost never eats in restaurants.

  1. After all, I can’t know what they are made from,” Madonna herself explains.

Madonna's diet is based on the traditions of ancient Japanese cuisine. You can: vegetables, fruits, brown rice, sesame seeds, miso soup (with soy flour noodles), nori rolls (vegetarian sushi), seaweed.

Not allowed: all meat products or other animal origin; dairy and eggs; any processed or purified products; sugar, caffeine and alcohol; any products of artificial origin or chemically processed.

Madonna's diet. Menu option for the day:
Breakfast: porridge with water.
Lunch: brown rice with vegetables.
Dinner: miso soup or stew.

Diet rules to follow:

  1. You should eat only when you are hungry, and swallow food only after chewing thoroughly. It is generally accepted that you need to chew each piece an average of 50 times.
  2. Every day's meals should be composed according to the following proportions: 10 percent liquid, 30 percent vegetables, 10 percent legumes and the remaining 50 percent grains plus some fruits and nuts.
  3. You need to drink a large amount of “bancha” tea (this is the name of a special variety of coarse quality from branches harvested during pruning of the tea bush, which also includes old leaves and stems retained by sieves during sifting).