Secrets of the autumn diet

Autumn is a time of harvest and abundance of fruits, vegetables and grains. This is the ideal period to reconsider your diet and switch to a healthier diet. An autumn diet can help you strengthen your immune system, avoid exacerbation of diseases and replenish your body with vitamins. In this article we will look at some of the secrets of the autumn diet and offer a menu for 7 days.

One of the main secrets of the autumn diet is a rich harvest of fruits, vegetables and grains. Fresh products, generously donated by gardens and vegetable gardens, are filled with the life-giving power of nature. They contain all micro- and macroelements, as well as a sufficient amount of vitamins. During this period of time, the body needs less proteins and fats of animal origin; instead, products containing complex carbohydrates are recommended.

Another secret of the autumn diet is the exclusion of foods containing food chemicals from the diet. Emulsifiers, dyes, and various preservatives significantly inhibit metabolism, which causes the accumulation of excess weight. By following such a diet, you will help your body get rid of toxins and speed up your metabolism.

The fall diet is also rich in fiber. Insoluble particles of plant fibers pass through the intestines and serve as a kind of “brush” that cleanses the digestive tract of food debris and toxins. There is a specific renewal of the gastrointestinal tract. The process of digesting incoming food improves, and you get enough minerals and vitamins.

Sweet fruits and apples will supply your brain with fructose, which helps you think quickly and correctly, and grains will give your body a lot of energy.

Menu for 7 days

1st day

First breakfast: baked beet salad with parsley, green onions, prunes and grated nuts with a slice of rye bread. Second breakfast: an apple with one coffee spoon of honey. Lunch: rye cereal porridge and sautéed eggplant. Afternoon snack: two raw carrots. Dinner: dark grapes - a small bunch.

2nd day

First breakfast: baked beet salad with parsley, green onions, prunes and grated nuts with a slice of rye bread. Second breakfast: boiled corn with butter. Lunch: zucchini soup with onions, carrots and potatoes, baked zucchini. Afternoon snack: apple and small piece of cheese. Dinner: stewed cabbage with onions and carrots.

3rd day

First breakfast: oatmeal on water with apple and cinnamon, a slice of rye bread. Second breakfast: pear and walnuts. Lunch: salad with chicken, cucumber, tomato and green onions, baked fish. Afternoon snack: pear and a piece of cheese. Dinner: Greek salad with olives and feta.

4th day

First breakfast: cottage cheese with fruits and nuts, a piece of rye bread. Second breakfast: apple and piece of cheese. Lunch: vegetable stew with chicken, fresh vegetable salad. Afternoon snack: pear and walnuts. Dinner: baked pumpkin with cilantro and olive oil.

5th day

First breakfast: fresh vegetable salad with egg and green onions, a slice of rye bread. Second breakfast: pear and a piece of cheese. Lunch: chicken broth, fried rice with vegetables. Afternoon snack: apple and walnuts. Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with tuna.

6th day

First breakfast: omelette with vegetables, a slice of rye bread. Second breakfast: apple and piece of cheese. Lunch: chicken liver with vegetables, fresh vegetable salad. Afternoon snack: pear and walnuts. Dinner: stewed vegetables with couscous.

7th day

First breakfast: Greek yogurt with fruits and nuts, a piece of rye bread. Second breakfast: apple and piece of cheese. Lunch: mushroom soup, vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: pear and walnuts. Dinner: baked fish with vegetables.

As you can see, the autumn diet can be varied and tasty. It is important to remember that it must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients. Do not forget also about your diet and moderate physical activity.