Anti-cellulite diet: essence and principles of nutrition

Cellulite is a problem that worries many people, especially women. Regardless of whether you are thin or plump, young or old, cellulite can appear due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor environment. To get rid of this problem and prevent its occurrence, you need to follow the health triangle: anti-cellulite diet, massage and sports activities. In this article we will talk about the essence of the anti-cellulite diet.

Cellulite is a disorder in the subcutaneous fat layer of the body and a delay in lymphatic drainage, which causes cosmetic changes to the skin. Some foods such as carbonated drinks, sweets, fatty and fried foods can be deposited on the thighs and buttocks, making them look like orange peel.

With an anti-cellulite diet, our task is to restore the body’s water-salt balance for the timely breakdown of carbohydrates and normalize blood circulation. The main products in this diet are foods rich in fiber, healthy fats and proteins. Such a balanced diet will help you not only get rid of cellulite, but also cleanse your body of waste and toxins.

Nutrition principles for the anti-cellulite diet:

  1. Eliminate from your diet all foods that are harmful to the kidneys and liver, such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, fatty fried meats, fatty dairy products, smoked products, all canned food, sugar substitutes and caffeine, sweets and baked goods with high-grade flour, pickled foods, alcohol, black tea, seasonings with flavor enhancers and any carbonated drinks, including mineral water.

  2. Eat more foods that promote the secretion of bile and toxins, and also restore water-salt balance: water, sugar-free fruit drinks, honey, green tea, fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods should make up two thirds of your diet.

  3. Have breakfast porridge made from whole grains - wild rice or buckwheat. Also drink herbal teas with rose hips, peppermint leaves and chicory - this helps normalize the activity of the biliary system.

  4. For tasty snacks, you can indulge in low-fat dairy products, seeds and nuts, dried fruits, berries and vegetables. Give preference to lean varieties of fish and meat, as well as eggs.

  5. Steam, bake or grill foods; avoid frying. This will preserve most of the nutrients in the products and reduce the calorie content of the dishes.

  6. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Foods such as citrus fruits, kiwi, watermelon, raspberries, strawberries, green peppers, cabbage and parsley should be included in your diet.

  7. Drink enough water - 1.5 to 2 liters per day. This will help get rid of toxins, improve metabolic processes and improve skin.

By following the principles of the anti-cellulite diet, you can reduce body size, improve skin condition and overall well-being. However, remember that the diet should be balanced and not too strict, so as not to lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Always consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting any diet.