Easter 2015: how to save the results of fasting

Lent has come to an end, Easter 2015 has arrived and with it all restrictions have been lifted. Now you can, with a clear conscience, return meat and dairy dishes, as well as sweets, to your diet. But how can you prevent the extra pounds from coming back?

How to properly prepare for Easter

The stomach, weakened by low-fat food, is not ready to take on the blow of fried chicken, cream cake and alcohol. Of course, if you were able to endure Easter Lent 2015, then you have something to be proud of. So you want to eat everything at once, but you also want to maintain the slim figure acquired during fasting, don’t you? The feeling of hunger, as you know, is well quenched by proteins, which you can find in meat, but properly cooked - boiled brisket and steamed fish can also be tasty and, at the same time, absolutely no-calorie.

Don't forget about the vegetables and fruits you ate during these 48 days. During this time, you have become very good at coming up with a variety of nutritional combinations. At the same time, reward yourself - for example, a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes can finally be topped up with feta or cheese - both dietary and healthy.

Coming from church at night or early in the morning, many immediately begin to break their fast after the strictest week before fasting, but at such an unusual time of wakefulness, the stomach will accept food without much joy. Better just drink water and go to bed. And at the Easter table, stick to food in moderation. Take a smaller plate to visually deceive your body and avoid overindulging. And don’t sit at the Easter table from morning to evening, as we like to do. Let the kilograms you haven’t gained go to someone else.

In general, Easter 2015 means the end of restrictions not only in products. During Lent, it is customary to limit oneself in temptations and entertainment. Go for a walk with your friends and have a lot of fun - then you won’t even want to think about food.