Food allergies. Eliminate harmful things!

Food allergies have become a big problem nowadays. Who hasn’t regretted swallowing something wrong at least once in their life? Food allergies are a “precision weapon” of modern civilization. One hundred people can eat a hamburger and nothing will happen to them, but the one hundred and first will only take a bite, and that’s it - all the symptoms are obvious, or rather, on the face.

What foods are you allergic to? For all. However, some of them are worth highlighting:

Milk. One and a half percent of the population is allergic to it. To get rid of an allergy to cow's milk, you need to exclude from your diet not only milk itself, but also products that are made from it, as well as products with a small milk content.

Chicken eggs are another common allergen. We will have to give up many dishes with eggs.

If you are allergic to grains - wheat, rye, oats, etc., you will have to give up bread, pasta, and baked goods. You need to include buckwheat, soybeans, vegetables, and fruits in your diet.

If you are allergic to fish and seafood, the solution is simple - they need to be excluded.

If you cannot identify a specific allergen, you should temporarily avoid highly allergenic foods - citrus fruits, seafood, chocolate, poultry, milk, eggs, nuts and others.

In case of anaphylactic shock, you urgently need to call an ambulance. More often, allergies manifest themselves as vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, and runny nose. It is important to determine the cause and eliminate the allergen from the diet. Drink more fluids, take activated charcoal. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

The main thing with allergies is to find the cause and eliminate harmful foods from the diet. Then life will become much more enjoyable!